Glovers Security Solutions provides exceptional security services for construction sites. Our 24-hour construction guard service is specifically designed to protect and secure construction sites to reduce vandalism, theft, employee pilferage, graffiti, trespassing, loitering, and other unwanted activity. Since every site is unique, we provide each client with a customized security plan to accommodate their site’s specific needs. 

Your company can benefit from our security guard services—GSS guards are trained in all aspects of construction site and office security systems, including patrol and perimeter checks, gate access control for visitors and vehicles, visitor and VIP escorts, and activity reports. Daily activity reports can be customarily designed to include truck logs, material watch logs, equipment movement logs, and more. 

Bonded, licensed, and insured, Glovers Security provides both onsite guards and mobile vehicle patrols. We are ready to assess your construction site and available to serve you immediately.

Click here to request a quote or call 1-855-357-0413 for construction security you can trust.

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